The Best Exercise Plans For Women

Women and men's bodies are not equal, and when it comes to working out, and fat loss, things are a little 'different. In particular, training plans should be different for women than for men. In general, men have more muscle than women, and women have a little 'fatter. These are things that must be taken into account when designing a workout, regardless of your goals.

In fact, we are all human and what works for men also work for women, at any given time. The main thing is that women and men training goals are different and generally looking for different results. Women sometimes have a distorted view of themselves and through the media, trying to lose fat and get a realistic view of your body. It is unfortunate that there are countless women who worry every day so they look and how they can improve your body. Men are no different and be close to everything, including taking illegal drugs and dangerous weapons for large and huge breasts.

I fully support get in good shape and to improve ourselves, I just think we all need to know that having a large body of research does not always mean that we have a healthy body. I think people abuse the words of Heath and Fitness in the same context. Are in good condition very low body fat levels does not necessarily mean that you are healthy. In theory, you could eat anything for weeks and drinks can after can of soft drink and diet to lose tons of weight. This is also healthy? Of course not. It is a balance that should be the aim, which includes healthy eating and exercise, but does not intend to either extreme.

Ok, back to your workout plan.

The best exercise plans for women, they all have two things in it:

Resistance training 1)

2) Interval Cardio

For best results you should train three times a week for about an hour, and limiting calories is sufficient to cause a calorie deficit.

Resistance Training

Resistance training can be done in a gym or at home. If you do not want to go to a gym or prefer not to carry some gym rats steroid burst, then just take them home. There is a common gym stereo everyone is in great shape and weight closing around everyday grunts and screams. If you've never been in a gym, I think it will be very surprised that most people are not just normal people trying to get in shape. There are some people in most gyms that have arisen in what appear to be in great shape and could represent a fitness magazine. So do not be intimidated and a test, I think what you want, once you start making new friends.

Resistance training can include light weights, stability balls, resistance bands, or what I feel may be the best type, body weight exercises. Body weight exercises are great and do not require additional equipment. In fact, if you do not train at home, will have little, if you're going to focus on bodyweight exercises. If you think you can not get in great shape with only bodyweight exercises, I think it will change your mind if you really try. I've seen some brutal training sessions conducted by some of the elite special forces such as the U.S. Navy Seals, which involve only body weight exercises are done in the middle of the woods! Believe me, this type of training can be as intense as you want.

More muscle mass you have, the more calories you burn. This is one reason that men can sometimes lose fat a little 'easier than women. Not always, but if you are a muscular man and a woman is overweight, diet, and all things are the same according to their size, such as calories and physical activity, muscle man is going to lose more a fat woman. This is one reason that resistance training can help you lose fat if you do it right. You must be a progressive overload, or progressive resistance every time you train. Do not go to the gym and do the same weights and reps you did last workout. You need some kind of progress, if the second representative, the more weight, or even a shorter rest period. If you do this, your body stronger so it can handle the workload. This increases muscle mass, which requires more energy to maintain that new muscle is built.

This increases your metabolism and you burn more fat and calories throughout the day! The second part of the equation is the interval cardio.

Interval Cardio

Interval cardio is a little different from what most people do, and will be much more effective. It also will not take so long, so you can get in and out and in your life. In fact, you do not want to do interval training for about 15 minutes or less.

Here is an example of interval training on a stationary bike will look like. You can do this type of training on a treadmill or other cardio machine, just a little easier to adjust the speed from top to bottom on a bicycle. I'll use a scale of 1-10 with one being low and ten being the pedaling as fast as possible.

Heating at a slow pace for about 2 or 3 minutes to about 3 or less.

Up to 6 speed 30 sec

Back about a 4 in 1 minute

Speeds of up to about 9 30 sec

Return to 4 in 1 minute

Speed-back up to 9 to 30 sec

-Keep alternating the two until about 12 or 13 minutes

Go down to 4 and gradually slow down to 3 or less over the last 2 minutes is cooling.

If the exercise three times a week, you should be able to do the entire workout about 45 minutes to an hour. 30 minutes of resistance, and 15 minutes to the heart. What kind of resistance training to do, there are many different exercises and a wide range of exercises. If you are new or little we see the results of your training, I would start with bodyweight exercises. Of course, there are many different schools of thought on training plans for women, but I think if you follow this part, you will see incredible results.
